Thursday, August 12, 2010

-head desk-

What'd I do!?

I feel this is a fair enough question. All these things keep happening, and show no signs of improving. GRR LIFE.  GRRRRRR.

You know that girl I'm currently hating on? Well she's decided to inform everyone I kicked her. This is obviously not true. And no, I don't know where she got the bruise on her leg from. If you want my opinion (and too bad, you're getting it anyway) she probably gave it to herself to provide authenticity. She's spent this week posting an array of crap on her Facebook page and what I love about her Facebook page is she neglects to enforce any sort of privacy - so I can see it all and comment. Not that I do. How dumb do you think I am?

I get shit at home.
I get shit at school.


-head desk-

At what point does it get better? I'm tired. MAKE IT BETTER.... please?

- CG

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