Monday, January 24, 2011

Only Nine Days Left

Nine days until summer holidays end and I have to start the long road that is years 11 and 12. It's not going to be  easy, and well duh, its not meant to be. It's just going to be so much work - work I'm not dedicated to. And I've never been dedicated to my school work. I'm not going to lie, a lot of my assignments are last minute jobs.

At the beginning of each year I always tell myself that I'm going to put in some effort and it lasts two weeks, maybe three and then I get lazy again. I'm not interested and so far not being interested is getting my by quite nicely. I did no more than four pages of book work in maths first semester last year and still passed the exam.

So I don't know whether its the implied workload or the expectations that will king hit me. Everyone expects me to do well and expects that I'll be fine. Actually, I think it will be expectations. When my end of year report arrived my parents zero'd in on the ONE below par mark. The whole report was mediocre for me, but there's one 65% mark and shit hit the fan. That's what I'm dealing with. It's a sin to be mediocre when you can do better in this house.

- CG

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