Thursday, November 11, 2010

D'you Know What?

I don't know how best to explain things anymore. Do I give the cold truth, so I can be judged, or dress it up for sympathy?

I don't really want to garner sympathy, that being said. What good is the sympathy in the grand scheme of things? It's no good, simple as that.

So you'll all just have to deal with the cold truth, or walk away.

The problem is, I don't know what to do anymore. I'm making a mess of my forearm. One cut a week, but the scars are there for the long haul. And then there's trying to hide them. Too much work, but I do it anyway. And the kicker? No one says shit.

Let the good times roll on!

- CG


  1. the scars are just part of the deal..
    i still get questions about mine and i cant even wear a bikini coz my legs are all chopped up and grose...but u adjust
    after a while once they start healing -and they will!- it's not so bad...while theyre still new dont even bother covering them with make up tho because it hardly works and they scar even worse then they should coz the makeup irritates the healing...
    on any scars that are mostly healed u can use cocoa butter which sorta works healing them smooth so they dont scar lumpy and eww...but then after that i find sunspot creams are really great coz they bleach the skin enough so that with regular use it hardly leaves marks at all..
    i know way to much about this :/ haha
    btw i say shit :)
    i know most of humanity doesnt care but i swear i do
    alice, as always

  2. I'm at peace with my scars, so i continue unfazed. It's not them that worry me

  3. CG,

    I wandered in here because you were linked to my blog and I admit I am a bit overwhelmed at what I am reading here.

    Know this: You have people who have had some contact with you that have a care for you and your continued existence. After tonight I am one of them.

    I realize that won't make your day-to-day much better in the short term, but please don't assume to know how anyone else feels about you without some interaction first.

    You are not alone. And that which does not kill you at the outset makes you stronger.

    There is always something in the direst of circumstances, that, when shared with someone in similar straits, can give you both the strength to go forward.

    Fight on, CG, I am pulling for you.


  4. David -

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. People like you give me hope for a better tomorrow.

    I think it's fair to make the assumptions I do based on the things I hear people saying when they think I'm not listening. Society fails people like me far too often.

    But thank you so much for being in my corner

    - CG
