Another friday has passed, and another saturday ends.
Spent the day at the races, and some fair time with my Hope horse. Good photos once again, could only have been better if it was sunny. Haven't really spoke to Apache's crew much lately, but I'm now looking forward to visiting the Apache not this sunday (as in tomorrow) but the next. Exciting times.
But my Hope horse, she's funny.
As I walked her this morning (she didn't do trackwork, not sure why) I really noticed how much smaller than Justice she is. It's funny now, going from big, crazy/pyscho Justice, to small and relatively quiet Hope. It's nice in a way I guess.
They both share that same love of grass and hugs now. Yes, Hope and I have established hugs.
I stopped by on my way home from the races, and spent some 10mins cuddling, patting and playing with her. She thinks it's fun to eat my fingers, and for that matter my camera. I disagree, but that is probably expected. And I spose now that I have really bonded with my new horse. She is mine, now lets see someone take her from me. Hilarious and it won't happen.
Hope playing with me this afternoon...
Unfortunately, I've gone backwards on the whole self harm thing. Not proud of it, but apparently such is life. Point is, no one says anything, so it's all good for the time being.
I stayed back after school on friday to talk with my homeroom teacher. I can never get out what I need to get out. We focused on my pain, and I cried. It's harsh I guess. But what do you do?
Bye for now but not forever,
- the original CG and Hope
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