Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Do we all Feel the Pain?

I'm sure I'm annoyed so why the confusion? And if I knew the answer to that I wouldnt pose the question now would I.

Wow. The amount of tape I went through today, just to get to school was incredible. Ankle, shin, calf, knee. And I was still in pain. Gotta love this universe, not. In fact, I can't even remember what it's like to not be in pain. I have absolutely no recollection of that feeling. Some of you may think, 'and?'. Well, to you I say, "you take the feeling of no pain for granted." Of that I am convinced, because I know I took that lovely pain free state for granted.
But, is anyone truly pain free in this world? Does anyone person immune to a constant pain? I don't know. Perhaps we all have our own hurt. Physical, mental.

Now you wonder why I spoke of this, and then you think you totally understand. And well, to help you totally understand, imagine feeling the worst pain you've ever felt during your life span.
Now imagine living with that for two years, two months and twenty-four days.

Bye for now but not forever,
- the original CG and Hope

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