Saturday, August 21, 2010

Note to Self: Burns Hurt. A Lot.

Yes, they do. And how did this happen you ask? Well, lets just say I had a very slight incident with a very hot pizza tray. It isn't a bad burn, in fact its not worse than any cut I could inflict upon myself. I just thought it was random enough to share with my considerable readership (hahaha! I make myself laugh).

And now that you've been informed, I shall leave you.

- CG


  1. Ooh, burns are owwie. :(
    I hope it goes away and you heal up and feel much better soon! :)
    Oh, also, just thought I'd let you know that my new blog is up, if you're interested.

  2. Yes, yes they are. But this ones getting better :D

    Very interested, checking it out now!
