Thursday, July 23, 2009

Further Wonderings

So, you know. I wonder, a lot. And write a lot of crap, distracting crap, but nonetheless crap. And I've been thinking way too much about things lately.

Like the friends thing, I'm pretty sure its me who is differnt. I don't know why or how. But I'm less inclined to sit with them now. Couldn't tell you why. They want to know why. I used a silly excuse. I needed an excuse to go, there it is.
I like the new group. I say a lot more, feel more comfortable.

I hate it when things change like this.

And school, where to start.
Being in an academic class is difficult, because I feel incredibly stupid in some classes. And when I don't understand, I don't even know what I don't understand. It's freaking ridiculous.

And to add insult to injury I haven't self harmed in months, but you know. There's a cut!?

Still nothing RE: Justice. But then no news is good news in racing!

Bye for now but not forever,
- the original CG and Justice

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