Sunday, July 12, 2009

What Is Going On?

Well, Justice is not going to the races on Tuesday or Thursday. As it turns out, he's going to the races next Sunday. Will I get to strap him? Apparently not.

He went and had his 'day out' today. I was too tired and too sore to participate and I have no idea how he coped with standing around all day.

But it is seriously irritating me how some people think I can't handle him. Justice is one of the nicest horses I get to handle, and I'm not about to stop looking after him.

The other girl won't be taking him next sunday, it will be someone else, shouldering in on our turf.

Well, Justice gets his chance to prove he's awesome.

On a more sour note, I start community service tomorrow. Shoot me now. Please, shoot me now!


I got a new fish today as well. He's nearly the same as Pirate, but he has black patches, he's pretty cool, but I wish I'd stop referring to him as dude!

Bye for now but not forever,
- the original CG and Justice

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