Friday, July 10, 2009

Is He or Isn't He?

I got an automated email from a website I use informing me that Justice is nominated for two race meets next week. Tuesday and Thursday. Yet on the official racing site he appears nowhere. So confused as I am, I try to log into this site to explore why Justice is a nominee on one site and not on another.

It took me several goes to remember which password I used on this site, and when I finally got it, it stopped working. And it continues too tell me that "this link appears to be broken" an hour later. When I asked a friend to try the forementioned site over MSN, it worked perfectly fine! So now I'm sitting here going, "Why, why!"

I spose I'll have to have a look at the board when I go in to work on Sunday. Because there is no way in hell Justice is going to the races without me.

Well thats the end of my semi rant/semi "IMSOFREAKINEXCITED" post so,

Bye for now but not forever,
- the original CG and Justice

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