Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Three Days To Go

Well, I ran out of time last night, and failed to write anything here at all. But I will today.

I am now two days into the dreaded community service and am already over it. I would really rather be at school. So far I've sat in a corner, watched Wall.e, spelt words, helped with PE and actually eaten food.
I guess I'm eating because I'm surrounded by adults and they don't know me, and I don't want the questions and looks.

But it's boring, so so boring. In the staff room they talk about their pets ffs. Teacher from my school is visiting tomorrow, so looking forward to this....

But I feel really bad at the moment. Like, really bad. I just, dont know.

And the new fish has a name! Jaws. I will try and get a photo.

Anyhoo, Harry Potter calls,

Bye for now but not forever,
- the original CG and Justice

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