Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Wonder

I spend much of my day staring into space and daydreaming. And then when I get to bed, my mind is in overdrive, and I start wondering things.

So here is my list of wonderings:
  • I wonder what it's like to feel no pain.
  • I wonder if God really did speak to Moses.
  • I wonder what it's like not to feel sad.
  • I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't been introduced to Justice and the other horses I work with.
  • I wonder what would have happen if I'd stood up for myself in primary school.
  • I wonder at wondering.
  • I wonder why bad things keep happening.

And then I stop. And feel sad again. Because the bad things keep happening, and I wonder, "where did I go wrong?". And then I cry myself to sleep.

It's a sad cycle that I wish would stop, but, it is going to be my life it would seem. Depressing.

And to add insult to injury, I couldn't get to sleep last night due to pain in my wrist that stopped me typing last night. I had to patch up. Miraculous things those patches.

Mine are called Icewave, they take the pain away, using light crystals and acupuncture points. Amazing.

Only two more days til Justice's race.

Bye for now but not forever,

- the original CG and Justice

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